Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Dante's Inferno

This weekend I purchased Dante's Inferno. I had read mixxed reviews on it when I went to buy it, so I didn't know what to expect. I found it to be a pretty good game. The best way to explain it would be to say it's probably the closest thing to having God of War for the Xbox 360. I mean the combat felt solid, the graphics looked good, the setting and story were a nice change of pace, and the option to decide to be good or evil was pretty nice too. Plus it provides a decent challenge for both casual and hardcore gamers. Now the game isn't without its faults. The context sensitive buttons don't always respond properly. Some of the aiming with the lunges gets a bit iffy at some points. Over all though, I thought it was an all around good game. I would recommend this to anyone who likes God of War, or just wants a good action game. Game Walkthrough