Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Ultramarines A Warhammer 40,000 Movie

Ultramarines was released a few months ago on dvd. Warhammer 40,000 is a British tabletop game produced by Gamesworkshop. The game has been adapted into many things including hundreds of books and multiple videogame adaptations. The only media form it hadn't entered was TV/Movie, and every fan of the game has been waiting along time for that, and as a fan I can vouch for that. It was produced by Codex Pictures, directed by Martyn Pick, and the screen play was written by my favorite author Dan Abnett. The movie fallows the Ultramarines (superhuman soldiers bred to combat the enemies of mankind, the xenos scum and chaos heretics) as the answer a distress beacon from the planet Mithron. When they arrive they find the planet tainted by chaos and it becomes a fight for survival. The film is all CGI and used Image Metrics animated facial capture for the animations, and the film runs about 76 minutes. I of course enjoyed the movie because I'm a fan of Warhammer, but over all I thought the production value of the film was pretty good for having a lower budget.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

LA Noire

LA Noire is an upcoming game by Rockstar Games (best known for the GTA series). Based on the title you can probably guess that the game draws heavily from the film noir style (dark mood, high contrast between light and shadow/low-key lighting) for both its look and narrative. In the game you take up the role of a detective and have to solve a series of murders in 1947 LA. The game is using two advanced technologies in its production; real-time global illumination technology (used to obtain the distinct film noir style look), and motionscan (actors are filmed by 32 surrounding cameras to capture facial expresion at every angle, so that when interrogating suspects you can tell whether or not they're lying). The game is scheduled to release on the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 in spring of 2011, and Rockstar recently released an in-game trailer. The game looks very good and I can't wait for its release.