Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Video Games Win Sales Battle

Many companies use NPD (market research group) to track their sales. Most recently there was a dispute between NPD and some video game companies because they weren't tracking digital media sales, which was making seem like the company was losing money, when in actuallity they weren't. For instance, according to NPD there was an 8% drop in sales in February, but according to EA they had a 39% increase due to digital media. Also, companies like Activision-Blizzard where almost half of their revenue is from digital media, there isn't an accurate depiction of their sales. Officials at NPD recently announced that they see the importance of digital media and have started to track it for the market research.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Navy Death Ray

The Navy has been developing a ship bound defence FEL (Free Electron Laser). A FEL produces a laser by using something similar to a particle accelerator to speed particles up and shoot them out instead of using crystals or inverted prisms to focus light. As of now it has been used to shoot down countless drones, can burn through about 200 ft of steel per second, produces a 14-kilowatt beam, and was just recently run for eight hours at 500 kilovolts. The goal is to eventually develop a one megawatt laser that can burn through 2000 ft of steel per second. Hell yeah to real life Star Wars!!!